Tuesday 28th November 2017 at Government House Ballroom
For the 3rd successive year and supported widely by industry, this is the annual gathering of Western Australia’s finest technology professionals, entrepreneurs, makers, innovators, startups, and organisations who believe in the power of collaboration.
As an esteemed guest of a previous West Tech Assemblage event we are offering you the opportunity to be one of the first to PURCHASE your ticket for this year! Spaces are limited and we invite you to secure your ticket before it is published to the wider community.
The Honourable Mark McGowan, Premier of Western Australia will be your key speaker this year! Along with Professor Arshad Omari the Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor of Edith Cowan University and Nilesh Makwana – CEO – Illuminance Solutions, Chair – West Tech Assemblage.
West Tech Assemblage is driving collaborative change in the sector, by being inclusive, bringing the whole sector together, under one roof, to acknowledge, celebrate and work together, this is the place to be, to find out who’s who, to work together.
This is your opportunity to find out what they are doing, hear what’s new and trending, meet like-minded individuals, potential clients and build your biggest business asset, your network of contacts.

The Honourable Mark McGowan, Premier of Western Australia will be your key speaker this year! Along with Professor Arshad Omari Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Edith Cowan University, Nilesh Makwana, CEO Illiminance Solutions & Founder of West Tech Assemblage, Paula Rogers WA State Director – CEDA and Pia Turcinov, Chair – Women in Technology Western Australia (WITWA).
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