Tickets are now available for West Tech Assemblage 2017 – a celebration of innovation and collaboration amongst WA’s tech community. Featuring Australia’s brightest entrepreneurs and professionals, West Tech Assemblage is gathering together the ‘who’s who’ of the Western Australian tech scene at the Government House Ballroom on the 28th of November to acknowledge and share in the distinction of each other’s success – to stimulate new ideas, foster future collaborations, and create lasting relationships.
West Tech Assemblage recognises that successful business doesn’t always require intense competition, loose associations and fragmentation. But rather, tightly-knit ecosystems of individual teams collaborating and sharing knowledge to help further each other’s mutual accomplishments.
The Honourable Mark MCGowan, Premier of Western Australia will be your key speaker this year! Along with Professor Arshad Omari Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Edith Cowan University, Nilesh Makwana, CEO Illiminance Solutions & Founder of West Tech Assemblage, Paula Rogers WA State Director – CEDA and Pia Turcinov, Chair – Women in Technology Western Australia (WITWA).

The Hon Mark McGowan
Premier of Western Australia

Prof Arshad Omari
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Edith Cowan University

Paula Rogers
WA State Director

Nilesh Makwana
Chair, West Tech Assemblage
CEO, illuminance Solutions

Pia Turcinov
Chair, Women in Technology WA
West Tech Assemblage is an opportunity to stay abreast of what’s happing in WA’s tech sector, stimulate new ideas, meet new contacts, and most importantly – have a fantastic night.
West Tech Assemblage is in its 3rd successive year and supported widely by industry and organisations who believe in the power of collaboration.
Dr Carlos Damski of Genesis Petroleum Technologies said The West Tech Assemblage in 2016 was an amazing event that brought together the brightest minds in Perth’s technology and innovation community within an amazing venue.
“It was a real pleasure to attend the event and engage with fellow tech sector leaders. I look forward to the next one,” Dr Damski said.

Tickets for the event are now available and include drinks and cocktail canapes prepared by Michelin Star Quality Chefs from Ultimo Catering and Events.