West Tech Assemblage 2022

The Digital Inclusion in WA Blueprint launch was hosted at illuminance Solutions office in Perth on Friday 16 December 2022.

Booking West Tech Assemblage 2024 Tickets

Book your tickets here for the 2024 West Tech Assemblage. This half-day conference will build on the work we have done over the last 9 years. The Assemblage keeps going from strength to strength and 2024 will be a landmark year for building accessibility in tech for all West Australians. Click here to book your … Continued

Online Safety for Seniors

Being online and knowing the best online etiquette and how to stay safe can be overwhelming for any of us. Seniors are the fastest growing group online and with the training program Online Safety for Seniors by West Tech Assemblage Partner illuminance Solutions in collaboration with Switched on Seniors, our silver surfers are taught how … Continued

Tackling indigenous IT gap

A group of keen learners with a hard drive to excel dialled up on their computer skills recently and imported a gigabyte of knowledge in a crash course on all things digital. The University of Notre Dame Australia teamed up with Perth-based consultant illuminance Solutions to run the first of its two-day digital literacy classes … Continued

WTA 2019 – a success!

WTA again gathered the west tech industry together with start-ups, public and private organisations and businesses, academia, government officials and investors together. This time to take a stand and to address the issues around the digital literacy divide in our Indigenous communities in WA and to invite to collaborations around it.

Turn it up – Interview with Bumma Bippera Media 98.7FM

Bumma Bippera Media 98.7FM is the first and only indigenous radio service in Cairns, QLD and they spoke with Nilesh on the day of the 2019 edition of West Tech Assemblage that put focus on the digital literacy divide in our Indigenous Australian community. illuminance Solutions launched their collaboration with the University of Notre Dame … Continued

Closing the Gap… as well as the digital divide

Queensland Education Minister Grace Grace recently launched the ‘Advancing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education Action Plan’ to supplement the Federal Government’s ongoing Closing the Gap program. “This plan will target resources to lift the reading and numeracy outcomes of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander state school students in the early years (Prep to Year … Continued